Friday, September 28, 2012

Bells Again

Remember that one week this summer, when I had to travel to a friend's wedding and couldn't write the weekly column?  Well, 'tis the season again.  This time it's a young lady I've known since we were both about ten; and while I don't have an excruciatingly long car ride to her church, I am singing with my siblings for the ceremony—which process comes with its own hassle of practices.

So once again, I have nothing for you but a rather cheesy song, dedicated, naturally, once again, to the beautiful bride and groom.  (Not that he's beautiful.  Or ugly, for that matter.  Or—well, you know what I mean!)

I tried to find people who looked like they could be singing this.  I dunno. 
 These ladies have the right outfits, but something about their expressions just isn't giving me that swing ...

Don't Let It Go to Your Head by missmason

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