Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On Being Olde

The only Respighi I can listen to with equanimity—and it is more than equanimity, I am ashamed to say: it is positively pleasure—is "Ancient Airs and Dances."  The only Prokofiev I've ever truly enjoyed is the "Classical Symphony."

So perhaps it should have been no surprise when I found that the clearly pseudo-ancient to whom I'd been listening on the radio was none other than the usually tedious Edvard Grieg. My friends, the Holberg Suite:

And, just to reinforce your entirely correct impression that he strongly resembled Albert Einstein:

Yea, verily.


  1. What college did you attend? I can hardly understand your writing but you obviously sound really smart.

  2. Very nice indeed. While I do not think would not confuse these with 18th century dance music (there are a couple distinctly romantic moments, especially with the solo violin), it is quite beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing!
