Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Poor Chris Pratt

No, not really.  He’s a Hollywood star with, I am sure, lots of money, plenty of adoring fans, a beautiful family (second wife, I think? if he sticks with #2 we’ll just call it the Hollywood standard, I guess), and no (yet publicized) major personality or drug issues.

So, from a modern human standpoint, he should be pretty happy.

Did I mention he’s also characterized in the news as a committed Christian?  That his church doesn’t support LGBTQ people?  That he once gave away an old cat that he co-owned with his ex-wife (presumably without her knowledge and consent, or it wouldn’t be an issue)?  And that he said he won’t be going to a Biden fundraiser with some of his fellow Marvel stars?

So he’s in trouble again, on Twitter, not for the first time, for the most recent of those offenses (and of course the others are being dredged up as well).  A producer pulled up a picture of Pratt and three other Chris-christened actors, and employed the popular Twitter meme “One has to go,” leading to fans expressing disapproval of Pratt’s non-presence at the virtual Biden fundraiser, as well as his other offenses.

And, adding insult to injury, Pratt had the gall to be defended by some of his fellow stars (e.g., the ever popular, also-not-going-to-be-at-the-fundraiser Robert Downey Jr.) who did not leap to defend female Marvel stars during similar Twitter spats.  So Pratt is an inspiration for an ongoing anti-woman double-standard as well.

That’s the short version of the events of the past few days in the Hollyverse.

And as someone who’s seen maybe half the Marvel movies franchise, who watches maybe five new movies a year (and waits until movies come out on video for less $$—at which point are they even new anymore?), who doesn’t have a Twitter account, who spends less and less time on Facebook, and who is also not voting for Biden … I’m sitting here and shaking my head and laughing.

I don’t have a problem with Twitter censoring conservatives.  It’s not a public library or courthouse or even a newspaper; it’s a privately held company with a distinct ownership and a distinct set of fans.  I think any conservative who hops on Twitter expecting not to be censored is fooling himself or herself.

But, mes frères libéraux, I submit for this incident to be entered as exhibit P in the case of the Shy Conservatives.  If you don’t see anyone expressing conservative views on your platforms, or in your neighborhood, or at your book club, or what have you—and if the only ones you do hear of online seem to be increasingly strident and scary—then it’s probably because all the nice guys and gals got tired a long time ago and went back home, or reopened a personal blog, or took up origami airplane making.

I recommend all three, especially the last if you have small kids.





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