Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Think It Out, IV

I feel it somewhat incumbent upon me to add, since I had political things to say earlier, that regardless of how things turn out tonight (or later) everything will be alright.

Obviously, if your worst possible fear is defeated tonight, everything will be alright.

And if you are simply poised between two unlikeable alternatives, and the less likeable one wins, there's always 2024.  It may be an unpleasant four years, but there are few things done which can't be undone.  Cf. HHS mandates.

And if you're afraid that the candidate of your party is actually more harmful to your cause than his opponent--well, I understand the concern.  But I decline to believe that either candidate is so utterly deadly for their party as to tar it beyond recognition between now and then.

But what if one of the candidates embodies your worst fears, and that candidate actually wins?

The problem with America isn't the two candidates; it's us.  And we are not going to become that much more civically minded, or that much less, in four years than we would have been had the other man won.  If you want to change America, start not with politics, but with education.

(If either candidate were doing and saying meaningful things about education, I'd be far more interested, invested, and concerned.)

There's your stoic words of comfort for the day.

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