Saturday, December 5, 2020

This Is a Bad Argument, III

I do not endorse the last few paragraphs of this article.  But I think it's worth noting that someone on American Greatness--not a commie liberal site by any stretch of the imagination--recognizes excess coronavirus deaths, sweet memes and Johns Hopkins researchers to the contrary notwithstanding.

By the way, I'm a bit amused by the whole trend of either side in the corona wars holding up an expert and saying "Look, see, they are so highly credentialed their opinion must be true!"

If someone with three PhDs says "wear masks" and someone with four PhDs says "don't wear masks" nothing is actually proven, is it?  Even if a hundred doctors with multiple doctorates say "wear masks" and ten doctors with multiple doctorates say "don't wear masks" (or the reverse) still, nothing is proven.

Smart people can be wrong too; and when smart people disagree (as they currently seem to do) then obviously, some of them are wrong.

It's all about the arguments, mon freres.

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