Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fill in the -Zona

I've been wondering why the anti-anti-illegal immigration protesters have taken to calling Arizona (which is a border state) "Nazi-zona." I mean, "Aryan-zona" would have been so much cooler, and displayed a greater knowledge of history, while getting the point (?) across just as clearly. Besides, "Aryan-zona" actually sounds kind of like "Arizona", and so by adopting it as their diffemism of choice the protesters would demonstrate a punnish flair for words and a greater sensitivity for language and sound.

But maybe I'm supposing that the protesters do have a "knowledge of history", a "punnish flair for words", and a " sensitivity for language and sound". My mistake.


Jacob X. Mason said...

The downfall of society and culture claims one of its own victims. No one will remember their weak attempt at a catchy name in a decade. Good riddance.

TGWWS said...

You sound so . . . triumphalist?

Jacob X. Mason said...

Good word.