Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Nobody Able to Die, II

Assisted suicide hasn’t been in the news much lately.  There have been a couple cases, however, of suicides of despair—one, a nurse in New York City.  And one of my brother’s friends knows two people who, unemployed and frightened, committed suicide.
These cases are presented, when they hit the news, as terrible things.  They are thought to be terrifying, I think, because they are committed in terror and despair.  This seems right enough.
But is it any less terrifying to know that people commit suicide to escape physical suffering?
Perhaps what is terrifying in both cases is that there exists suffering so great, physical or psychic, that ending one’s own life seems like a good choice by comparison to bearing it.
But to me the real tragedy is in the perception, “I can’t bear this.”  Suffering and pain are not the same thing at all.

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